当身 - ゲあてみ

By Soke Grandmaster Irving Soto, 10th Degree Black Belt当身 - ゲあてみ

The History   Atemi- jujitsu- waza -Aiki


Atemi Jujitsu Dating back over 100 years ago, it was   practiced in Japan it was value as treasurer of the masters.  Atemi was use in absence of a sword or weapons in combat.

Atemi techniques were explosive and physical and deadly in combative, the techniques were, sophisticated striking that would course the bone to crushing. Atemi A striking stops the heart and with a fatal blow that can kill, or collapse the lungs with a mere offense of a slap or a touch of the wrist would cause penalization or kill the person. Atemi jujitsu

Characterizes as joints manipulation ripping  the tissues nerves veins Penalization technique and breaking down nerves, tissue, veins it would creating a blood clot and death would occurred in a hour or a day,


Atemi Ten-jen-shi-Kyu-jitsu.


 Atemi and trap hands.   The most sophisticated schools Atemi striking could stop the heart with a fatal blow, or collapse the person lungs with a mere offense of a slap or mere offense of touching person or by way entrapping the person hands or wrist it would cause penalization, with a simple twist and lock of the wrist would course death or unconsciousness.  


And another sophisticated school called Ju-te-ki Atemi Waza, which dealt with sophisticated throwing techniques and locking and bone breaking in midair.

  The force never resistant but giving way to use the opponent's technique against them.  

Definition : jujitsu Atemi waza

Translating "te" the way of the non-resistance and the gentle art and the "ju" meaning the opposite of chi or Ki" and meaning the flow of hands call the intersecting fist of death ’by way of coursing penalization and  breaking  down nerves, tissue, veins it would creating a blood clot death would occurred Atemi and trap hands.  

The most sophisticated of the schools  Atemi striking

Atemi striking  which could stop the heart with a fatal blow, or collapse his lungs with a mere offense of a slap or mere offense of touching as well, or entrap his hand and his wrist that would cause penalization with a mere offense of a twist or a lock.  And another sophisticated school called Ju-te-ki Atemi Waza, which dealt with sophisticated throwing techniques and locking and bone breaking in midair.

Tenjinshi-Kyujitsu Atemi waza 

The Art of Striking consists of 245 ways of striking.  Each blow more fatal than the other one.  Each move represents not just striking.  It represents the theory of controlling the opponent in every direction also 365 pressure point with in the body, 45 kill shots zone with the body as will.


The ancient history and time of peace martial arts warrior were called Samurai of Feudal Japan.  

As you know martial arts meaning military.  

The Samurai train daily with different  techniques and exercises, such as horsemanship swordsmanship, and bo-jitsu, the art of armed combat and unarmed combat should as known as jujitsu, Atemi, Aiki jujitsu


  The Ability to adapt  to different  style of martial arts, techniques, meaning Tekki-Nuichi-Ryu,

By way of  Definition which means to establish that anything or everything goes within the art of Atemi striking combative,

During the time of feudal lords,

 The peasants used to work in the fields--meaning farmer or the mountain bushi warrior that develop their own strategic methods, of fighting and that was more efficient, more effective without using tools of any sort.

Mountain bushi man also Use techniques called ju-ji-jitsu--a rope dangled in a piece of steel or in a bamboo stick, to Stretch and take down and bamboo without getting a snake bite.

 To rapid motion in a circular twine, it was amazing what you could accomplish by understanding inside and outside, outside circles,

As they pulled and stretched the bamboo, they developed a direct hit at the sternum of the base of the bamboo, which made the bamboo crack right in half with their hands.  

These were indigenous ways during that time and period.  But later becoming the effective form and style of fighting.  Many forms of martial arts began to trans laminate as jujitsu becoming popular and the hand becoming Atemi.  

Through constant of developing the hands, with a bamboo strapped with rope, sandbags, gravel, and glass, and hot gravel, knees and elbows, and fingers, and the side of the "Shotokan" hand, and the palm of the hand, and tight grip--which today is known as grappling.  

When you did not have any clothes, the essential tool was to lock the elbows and wrists and tweeted hand--this was known as Atemi waza.  Today it is called Sambojitsu.  

Not only with the feet where you could put a blade between your big toe and middle toes; and you can create a whipping, ripping action and cutting the person's Achilles or leg off.  

His kicks were so effective that it was not just kicks.  The kicks would entrap the legs of the other person and create excruciating pain and bone breaking technique with his legs.  The effective style of kicking was real short--not high kicking.  A person would practice this daily and go into the bamboo trees and attach them between the middle of their legs and create a twining device with their legs.  So that when you grasp a person in a tight seal movement or Atemi--today known as a ripping circular move--ripping the legs of a person in one thrust, you will break his joints, or his head, or wherever you grab him you create excruciating pain or break the legs or the arm or wherever you would entrap--called trap legs

Atemi and trap hands.   The most sophisticated of the schools of Atemi was striking device which could stop the heart with a fatal blow, or collapse his lungs with a mere offense of a slap or mere offense of touching as well, or entrap his hand and his wrist that would cause penalization with a mere offense of a twist or a lock.  And another sophisticated school called Ju-te-ki Atemi Waza, which dealt with sophisticated throwing techniques and locking and bone breaking.

Ten-jinshi-Kyu-jitsu.  The Art of Striking consists of 100,000 ways of striking.  Each blow more fatal than the other one.  Each move represents not just striking.  It represents the theory of controlling the opponent in every direction.  The famous monasteries and monks arriving and teaching Buddhism.

 Learning the Budo or the do, would be the way to enlightenment.  To understand the principle of oneself became the way of the Bushi warrior...  

The monks brought the art, which is today known as Tai Chi or Chi Kung, which introduced Dim-mak.  

By improving rhythmic movements and breathing, circulatory of the human physiology and body autonomy, they were able to cultivate trans cystic energy called Kung or Chi, in Japanese Ki.  Water training was implemented to develop lower body and higher body extremity to be able to cultivate the chi, these moves must be synched with the mind, learn more about the Yin and the Yang; meaning the hard and soft, learning that when you get soft you are able to cultivate more of your trans cystic energy with locks an throws and with greater at ease.  

Your body becomes a rock and you learn not to be uprooted off your stance.  

The Samurai masters began to cultivate learn fluidity moves with their katana or sword, Ko-chi Sageo Katana.  

Atemi In absence of their sword or weapon, the move had to be fluid in motion in order for its effectiveness to be more powerful.  Not just learning how to dance, but learning how to facilitate in an upward and downward motion and circular motion as well.

 Even with the strike of the sword, you go to the left and right and down and up and the beauty of it in a circular parry motion.  Not only today called the escrima stick, the cobra or the baton used like a piston in a rapid motion of an Atemi strike.  The founding of Karate, empty-hand, do, and many arts that came on hundreds of years later.  Atemi was lost.  Since Atemi was valued as a treasure of the masters, and a handful of katakana as, and scrolls, and were destroyed during 1941 and 1945--in that time period during the Nagasaki and Hiroshima.  Most of the archives and lessons and books were destroyed.  Only a handful of masters knew the completion of Atemi.  Masters like Morehei Ueshiba, Gogen Yamaguchi, Gichin Funakoshi, Sokaku Takeda, Tatsu Tanaka, and Jigoro Kano, also incorporated Atemi into their systems; but they were limited to the art of striking.

 In the early 30s and 40s to the 70s and to the 90s, the late Grandmaster Yamamoto knew the complete art of Atemi.

Today the last Non-Japanese and American man to know the complete art of Atemi in the New Millennium years is Soke Grandmaster Irving Soto, 10th Degree Black Belt, who is the founder of the present system of jujitsu Atemi waza.  

Martial arts are a world of new innovations and new ideas each day.  It complements the yin and the yang.  The two interlocking forces interlocking the universe.  You must understand the do--which is the way of discipline and the way of life.  Without the harmony of Budo--you have no spirit.  So when you practicing martial arts you must understand each theory precisely--what it represents and the nature behind it to become the body of the rock and to have the spirit of an eagle. The enlightenment must be attained within.  "Do" complements the mind, the heart, the soul, the spirit, and the body.  With harmony and coordination represents the do.

  Do the embodiment of life.  One of the most sophisticated art forms, the Atemi.  Known in Chinese as Dim-mak.  Or in American, the intercepting Stop Fist, or the way to kill.

















Soke Grandmaster Soto As I grew up in 1956 when I was a young boy.

 I remember one of my teachers in jujitsu Tashioshi explaining to me about the element earth, wind, fire, water, void, in Enlightenment of martial arts, At that time it didn't make sense to me, I did not understand As a young boy but in time, I understood water you move with fluidities, with wind you move with the shadow, and void, you alternate all three signs and it is very unstoppable break your movement.

Today I know that Martial arts are of the essence, as I fluctuated back and forth from Brooklyn to Chinatown from school through my early years of training in Jujitsu and Kung Fu. When I was a young boy growing up in Brownville Brooklyn, I remember I watched through the park fence as a little boy, I must have been 10 years old and I Watching a group of people —fighting inside the parks in Brownville   

 See you have to understand how I grew up in a neighborhood with Italians on one corner and mulattos or the Afro-American on the other side, and the Jewish community on the other side.  It was a pretty tough neighborhood, Brownsville, East New York.  I often wondered if I could defend myself from the guys in the Park one day.  

They were fearless fighters.  One had a razorblade in his mouth and the other one had a machete.  And the other one had a barber's razor and sticks which appeared to be bats at that time, and knives.  And to me it appear to be a play fight, but it was a really a fight.  One would kick, one would punch, one would grapple, one would try to block the knife with his coat, one would take the impact of the stick with his elbow, and blood was everywhere.  

That was very scary for me.  Growing up in an environment so brutal, in other words savage violent neighborhood that taught you to be amen from an early age, you see you learned not to fear much. I would practice daily with my martial arts science.

 I wanted to be real good in martial arts and this is my true life story--of a true martial arts expert.  As a foot note you see basic martial arts there is nothing wrong with it.  But in the street I grew up at, where you had the blast of a gun, and razor sharp instruments--no matter how much martial art you knew, you were playing with your life or fire.  Your technique had to be raw, more different, and more unique of 'Cause these were the true essence of survival in the jungle of in a neighborhood call Brownsville, East New York.  

I grew up in a good family.  My mother was very poor.  But yet my heritage was very rich. I continued to strengthen my martial arts skills in Kung Fu and Jujitsu for many years, Martial Arts to me was a way of life since a little boy, I just didn't want to be another karateka


Atemi waza strike is difference between life and death.

I spend many hours to learn the secrets arts of Atemi the most powerful warrior in the world, the Samurai, the traditional monks, and the ninja. Atemi was known to be born 200 years ago through the Himalayan Mountains of Tibet. Centuries has passed by and still maybe just a minute amount of arts. Adapting many forms,  

Many other arts claim Atemi to be part of Very little is known about Atemi. During the Daimyo period, or during the Moto Musachi Era, during the period of inhabited affiliation of clans and family members and more pronounced military characters. Their perspective teacher usually begins as a student particular specializing in different forms of striking and bone-breaking technique whether it is by using Bo-Jitsu or either by joining a Ryu--meaning a system that indefinitely and indubitably practice poison hand technique, precise hand of placement.

 Training usually begins From 5th Dan and last up to and 10th Degree. You train hours, anything from 7-8 hours a day. Not only in the hands of striking, but just the mere offense touch of a wrist reverse twining lock Devices and sophisticated trap hands. In the hands of striking, but just the mere offense touch of a wrist reverse twining lock

Devices and sophisticated trap hands. To become practitioners of Atemi during that time and period, one had to be proficient in 36 schools of martial arts science. And these were some of the arts as follows, listed below:

It is imperative the years I've learned martial arts science called Nokhchii Atemi-waza Deadly Art. The highest secrets in the martial arts world called Nikute Kwa Ki--meaning my hands is my sword

To become practitioners of Atemi during that time and period, one had to be proficient in 36 schools of martial arts science. And these were some of the arts as follows, listed below:

1. Tendon-Ryu-Jitsu, the art of Locking Joints and Trapping the vein.

2.  Juji-Jitsu, the Art of Roping, the body

3. Iai-Jitsu Art of using wooden bamboo as well as the sword.



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Martial Arts Books By Soke Grandmaster Irving Soto

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